Electric Tugger Case Studies | Material Handling - MasterMover

Warburtons Bakery Increase Capacity Thanks To Electric Tuggers

Written by Susanne | Aug 17, 2023 6:34:53 PM

A bespoke MasterMover electric tug is moving bread with ease across Warburtons’ bakery in the heart of Scotland, leading to increased capacity and improved productivity at the site.

A MasterMover SM100 TOW has been selected with a special push plate to enable staff to push bread carts effortlessly across the site in Bellshill.

Before the tugger was introduced, long lines of bread carts weighing up to 250kg were handled manually by the production team.

The opportunity was presented by MasterMover’s sales partner Safetrade 247 and to meet Warburtons’ exact needs, both companies shared their engineering expertise to produce a special push plate to link the electric tugger with the carts safely and efficiently.

The end result is that as well as removing manual handling on site, the new solution is also supporting productivity, with capacity being increased due to the ability to handle more carts.

Since its introduction, the SM100 TOW’s capability in moving products safely and efficiently on-site has led the Warburton’s team to place an order for another tugger.

Martin Moore of Warburtons said: “The new machine is being used in the area where bread comes off the production line. The products are placed into different lines, ready for distribution based on postal regions. We’ve been really pleased with the results so far.”