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Our Editorial Policy & Standards 

Our editorial policy  

At MasterMover, we are committed to providing our readers with accurate, trustworthy, original, and valuable content across all our platforms.  

This editorial policy outlines our principles, standards, and processes that ensure we produce the highest quality content, to empower our readers to make informed decisions about their material handling processes. 

1. Expertise and authority in our content 

In all instances, we strive to showcase industry expertise and authority in our content.

  • All content is created and reviewed by industry experts with relevant qualifications and experience in material handling, engineering, and workplace safety.
  • We regularly consult with our in-house engineers, safety specialists, and product developers to ensure technical accuracy.
  • External or guest contributors are carefully vetted for their expertise and industry standing, and all content goes through an internal review process prior to publication. 

2. Accuracy of information and data sources 

We aim to ensure that any information or data used within our content is accurate and obtained from a reputable source. 

  • All factual claims are thoroughly researched and verified using reputable sources. 
  • Technical specifications and product safety information undergo a multi-step review process involving our engineering and quality assurance teams.
  • We maintain relationships with industry bodies and regulatory authorities to stay updated on the latest standards and best practices. See section 8 for more details.
  • We strive to use reputable industry sources and government bodies for any data or statistics.
  • All sources are fully referenced, allowing readers to verify information independently.
  • Data related to workplace safety goes through a rigorous review process to ensure accuracy. 

3. Originality and unique content 

We are committed to producing original, value-adding content that reflects our unique expertise and industry knowledge.

  • Our content is crafted to address the specific needs and challenges faced by our customers across industrial manufacturing and logistics. 
  • We leverage our extensive experience and product knowledge to provide unique perspectives and insights not found elsewhere.
  • All content undergoes a rigorous originality check to ensure it is unique and useful.
  • MasterMover is an independently owned organisation and strives to create original and useful content - See section 7 for more information. 

4. Providing up-to-date information  

Our content team follows robust processes to ensure content is kept up to date to maintain accuracy and relevance. 

  • Our content is subject to regular review processes to ensure ongoing relevance and accuracy – See section 4.1 for details.
  • We have a dedicated team responsible for monitoring industry trends, technological advancements, and regulatory changes.
  • We regularly update our statistical information to ensure it reflects the most current industry data available. 
  • Significant updates to our products or services are promptly reflected in our content. 

4.1 Regular content review 

To maintain the accuracy and relevance of our content, we commit to reviewing all content at least annually. Our content review process ensures that our information remains up to date with the latest industry standards, technological advancements, and regulatory changes. 

5. Ethical standards and intellectual property 

Abiding by ethical standards and honouring intellectual property rights is a core aspect of our editorial policy.  

  • We respect intellectual property rights and adhere to copyright laws in all our content creation and curation processes.
  • Proper attribution is given to all third-party information, quotes, or data used in our content.
  • We obtain necessary permissions for the use of any sensitive material, including images, videos, graphics, and testimonials.
  • See section 8 for more information on our adherence to industry regulations. 

6. Editorial guidelines 

We aim to create valuable and educational content to support our readers in improving workplace safety and their material handling processes. 

  • We maintain a comprehensive style guide to ensure consistency in tone, terminology, and presentation across all our content and channels.
  • Our editorial process includes multiple stages of review, including peer review, validation, and final editorial approval.
  • We adhere to plain language principles, to ensure our content is accessible to a diverse audience.
  • Sensitive topics, such as safety-critical information and workplace processes, undergo additional layers of review and validation.
  • We strive for a balanced representation of diverse perspectives and experiences within our industry. 

7. Independence and transparency 

MasterMover is an independently-owned organisation and all content we create is free from third-party influence.  

Any content that includes promotion or potential conflicts of interest will be clearly labelled to provide maximum transparency to our readers. 

8. Adherence to industry regulations 

We ensure that all advice provided about processes and products adheres to relevant industry legislation and standards.  

Whether it is the direct conformance to industry regulations of our products or supporting customers with their compliance through our educational resources, we take adherence to industry regulations seriously.  

This includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 (MHOR) 
  • Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC
  • Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER)
  • Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
  • ATEX (for equipment used in potentially explosive atmospheres) 

9. Alignment with our culture 

Our editorial policy is intrinsically linked to MasterMover's mission, vision, and company values, illustrating our commitment to quality, innovation, and service in every piece of content we produce. 


Known for quality, innovation, and service, MasterMover will be the partner of choice for material handling solutions worldwide.  

Our content reflects this vision by highlighting the innovative and high-quality solutions we provide, sharing best-practice and industry insights, reinforcing our position as a market-leader. 


To help organisations worldwide empower and protect their people with the right solutions to move products, equipment, and materials safely and efficiently.  

Our content is designed to educate and inform, providing valuable insights that enable our readers to make informed decisions and improve operational processes, thereby aligning with our mission to promote safety and efficiency in material handling. 

Core values:  

Our authors are passionate industry experts who demonstrate our cultural values in their work.

  • Passionate and proactive – the driving force behind our authors is their passion for providing educational content to help our readers create safer, more efficient processes.
  • Customer-focused – our readers depend on us to provide useful content, and our authors are focused on delivering valuable resources.
  • Problem solvers – with innovation as part of our brand DNA, our authors are natural problem solvers, and this is reflected in the content we produce. 

10. Feedback and Continuous Improvement 

We are always open to feedback on how to improve our content to best serve our readers.  

If you have any suggestions or notice any issues, please contact us by emailing marketing@mastermover.com.  

Any suggestions will subsequently go through an internal review process so we can reflect this feedback within our content. 

 By adhering to this editorial policy, MasterMover aims to provide valuable, trustworthy content that serves our readers' needs while maintaining our position as a leader in the material handling industry.