MasterHandler Tuggers

Up to 8,800 lbs.

Maximum control and maneuverability of all-swiveling loads

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The MasterHandler range is designed to handle loads of up to 8,800 lbs. fitted with all-swiveling castors, ensuring smooth, precise, and controlled movement.

  •  Moves loads up to 8,800 lbs. fitted with all-swiveling castors.
  • Adjustable support legs create a fixed point for controlled steering and positioning.
  • Ideal for tight spaces, ensuring safe and accurate movements.
  • A range of hydraulic coupling options guarantee consistent performance and load security.

Benefits of the MasterHandler Range

Gain control of your loads on all-swivelling casters, and enjoy safe, controlled movement

Weight capacity

Loads weighing up to 8,800 lbs.

No certification required

No certification required

Zero emissions

Zero emissions


Compact machines for tight spaces

Secure load movement

Secure movement of loads

Controlled movement

Controlled movement of loads on all-swiveling castors

All terrain

Suitable for indoor & outdoor use

Maneuverability - icon

Unrivaled maneuverability


MH400+ Specification

  • Max. load capacity: 8,800lbs.
  • Max. slope: 7 degrees
  • Max distance per charge (standard battery): 5.7 miles.
  • Charge time (ext. charger): 5.5 hours
  • Max. pull/push force: 882 lbs.
  • Available options: Stainless steel & ICECx.
Download technical information

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Your requested MasterMover MH400+ technical specification can be accessed below. A copy has also been sent to you via email.

Please contact us with any questions regarding our products and services.


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Top industries using the MasterHandler range

Safety & machine options

The MasterHandler range comes with a wide variety of standard safety features. Additional options are available depending on your application requirements.

MasterHandler two speed selector switch

Two speed selector switch

Adjustable speed settings at your fingertips.

MasterHandler flashing light and bleeper

Safety light beacon

Maximize safety when moving loads through congested areas.

MasterHandler emergency stop button

Emergency stop

Allows you to immediately stop the machine.

MasterHandler anti-crush button

Anti-crush button

Protect operators and maximize operator safety when moving loads.

MasterHandler warning horn

Warning horn

Perfect for congested areas, alert pedestrians when moving loads.

MasterHandler automatic tiller cut off

Automatic cut-off

Preventing accidental operation of the machine.

MasterHandler CombiCoupling

Combi coupling

Creates a secure connection optimizing performance and maneuverability.

MasterHandler channel coupling

Channel coupling

Connect directly to your load to maximize flexibility.

Custom coupling

Custom couplings

Need something different? We can design custom couplings to suit your application.


Case study

Safe control for cereal manufacturer

A leading multinational cereal manufacturer transformed hopper handling at their Spanish production plant using MasterMover electric tugs. By introducing the MH400+, the company has enhanced safety, reduced staff fatigue, and increased operational efficiency, all while maintaining precise control of 800kg ingredient hoppers.

Customers who trust the MasterHandler range

From textiles to pharmaceuticals, businesses trust the MasterHandler to deliver the controlled movements of awkwards loads. 

Amgen - logo
Caterpillar - logo

Since we introduced MasterMover’s electric tuggers, we have never looked back! Their equipment revolutionized the way we handle heavy goods.

Why choose MasterMover?

  • The world's leading manufacturer of electric tuggers for over 25 years
  • Over 40+ electric tuggers to choose from
  • Ideal for tight spaces 
  • In-house custom engineering capabilities 
  • Trusted by the biggest names in the business
  • Sales and service support across the USA

Ready to Unlock Safer Operations?

Are you looking to improve safety and efficiency in your operations? Contact us to discover how you could transform your processes to enhance efficiency and maximize workplace safety with an electric tugger or electric tow tug. 

Your Questions, Answered – FAQs

Can the MasterHandler work in tight spaces?

The compact design of the MasterHandler provides a tight turning circle, making it perfectly suited to working within tight spaces and delivering the precise movement of wheeled loads. 

Can the MasterHandler range push and pull?

Yes, the MasterHandler range can push, pull and steer heavy loads weighing up to 8,800 lbs.

What is the maximum speed?

With the Two Speed Selector switch, the ‘Tortoise’ mode enables you to maximize control and operate the machine at a slower speed setting of .75mph. In the faster ‘Hare’ setting, the machine’s speed is 1.86mph.

Machines can be set with custom speed settings where required, with a maximum programmable speed of 3.73mph. 

How does the MasterHandler control loads with all-swiveling castors?

With adjustable support legs available to deliver a controlled fixed point, the MasterHandler can safely control swiveling castors. The design of the MasterHandler stops uncontrolled sideways movement and the hydraulic coupling creates an unbreakable connection between the electric tugger and the attached load.

How far can the MasterHandler range travel on one charge?

Battery performance varies from model to model and is influenced by load weight, battery capacity, environmental conditions and usage.

Individual battery performance data can be found on the Technical Specification Sheets for each model.

How do they connect?

A range of coupling options are available across the range that maximize performance, security and safety. Custom coupling solutions can also be designed for unique applications. 

Can they work on slopes?

Yes, the MasterHandler range can work safely on slopes.

When it comes to electric tugs, it’s important to understand that for every degree of slope involved, the maximum load capacity of the machine is reduced, just as pushing a car on the level requires less force than on a slope. Therefore, if the weight of the load is already close to the maximum capacity of the machine, a more powerful machine may be needed to move the load on a slope.

We carry out a full evaluation of your application to ensure any machine is suited to your needs. 

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