Welcome to the MasterMover blog, your hub for the latest expertise, industry insights, and essential resources to optimise material handling processes.

MT400+ Is The Perfect Partner For Lockdown Layout Change
A trailer manufacturer has improved efficiency at its headquarters in France – taking the number of staff needed to move a 4,000 kg load from three people to just one employee.

Moving Tooling Jigs is a Breeze at Automotive Plant
By investing in electric-operated materials handling tugs for moving heavy tooling jigs, car manufacturers can reduce the risk of accidents and injuries to their operators, whilst also ensuring that jigs are delivered to their required destinations ...

Creating Flexible Production for Industrial Manufacturers
Leading manufacturers including JCB are benefiting from the improved efficiencies and flexibility electric tugs bring to industrial manufacturing. MasterMover, provider of worldwide electric tug solutions, believes that its technology offers a ...

Mobilising Lean Manufacturing in the Automotive Industry with the Toyota Production System (TPS)
Lean manufacturing is a philosophy that emphasises reducing waste and streamlining processes to improve efficiency. The automotive industry has been using lean techniques for decades, but how can electric tow tugs help manufacturers accelerate their ...

Flexible Material Handling in Heavy Plant Manufacturing
In the wake of a global pandemic and chip shortage, heavy equipment manufacturers are under pressure to clear order book backlogs and recoup lost production time. Additionally, manufacturers face challenges with fixed infrastructure failure, ...

A Safer Way To Move Injection Moulds
Moving heavy injection moulds is a common scenario faced by automotive suppliers around the world. Manufacturing sites typically use a system of overhead cranes to transport the moulds but this can be time-consuming and inefficient.

MasterTug Is Used By Premium Car Manufacturers To Move Composites Tooling
Premium sports car manufacturers are benefiting from the use of MasterMover electric tugs to move heavy composites tooling and large components such as the chassis.

Electric Tugs Bring Lean Manufacturing Benefits To Construction And Mining OEMs
Manufacturers of large construction and mining equipment are benefiting from lean manufacturing practices thanks to the use of pedestrian electric tugs from MasterMover.

Forklift Alternatives in Heavy Plant Manufacturing
Manufacturers of heavy equipment are under increasing pressure to meet demand, clear production backlogs and reduce TAKT times.

AGVs – The key to modular production in automotive manufacturing
Modular manufacturing and autonomous solutions will drive the automotive factory of the future, here’s how… The first assembly line revolutionised the automotive industry, enabling the mass production of standardised products. However, today’s ...

French Agricultural Manufacturer Meets Growing Demand
Flexibility in manufacturing is key to determining the ability to adapt to changes in demand and to remain agile in a competitive market. That’s why Pellenc, a leading name in heavy duty agricultural equipment, wanted a flexible material handling ...