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Ant Brown - Technical Sales Engineer

Ant Brown
Technical Sales Engineer

Thank you for your interest in MasterMover electric tug solutions!

Please get in touch if you have any questions about our products and services, and I will be more than happy to help.

You can book some time in my diary below, or my contact details are:

Tel: +44 (0)1335 804155
Mobile: +44 (0)7766 777959
Email: andy.price@mastermover.com 

You can also connect with me on Linkedin.

Book a time

Let's meet at a time convenient to you...

If you'd like to talk to me about our products and services, please book some time in my diary.

You will receive an invitation for a video call after completing the process.

On the call I can give you an overview of our products and how we help drive safe and efficient load movement, or I can answer any specific questions you might have.


Send me a message

Please complete this form to send me a message directly.

I will respond as quickly as possible.