Electric Tug Case Studies | Material Handling Case Studies - MasterMover

Safer Waste Handling Solutions For City Apartments

Written by Chris | Jul 17, 2023 11:25:14 AM

A facilities company in the bustling metropolis of central London, UK, has recently sought the expertise of MasterMover to improve their waste management system. As the company takes charge of the maintenance and services for blocks of apartments, they recognised the need for a more efficient way to move heavy waste bins. Their primary goals were to improve safety, reducing the time and effort required of staff to move heavy waste bins.

The Application

Each bin, which can weigh up to 550kg, was being moved individually from the underground car park every week for refuse collection taking up the valuable time of staff members.


Understanding the urgency and importance of the task at hand, the company turned to MasterMover for a reliable solution. With their extensive experience in providing innovative material handling solutions, MasterMover recommended the TOW200 as the perfect tool for the job. This powerful machine is designed to effortlessly move multiple bins at once, placing the operator in complete control regardless of the various surfaces and gradients encountered.


The Solution

By utilising the TOW200, a single operator is now able to move multiple bins at once, all without any physical effort - eliminating manual handling. Built to perform, the TOW200 enables a single operator to effortlessly move 3 loaded waste bins up a steep incline, boosting safety and improving efficiency.

The TOW200 boasts a robust steel chassis, ensuring exceptional durability and puncture-proof wheels guarantee smooth and hassle-free manoeuvrability. This combination of strength and reliability makes the TOW200 the ideal partner for effortlessly transporting heavy bins, particularly up slopes and in busy locations. 

The Results

Thanks to the implementation of the TOW200, the facilities company can now streamline their waste collection process, significantly reducing the time and effort spent moving each individuals from the underground car park. Not only does this save time, but it also enhances the overall safety of the staff members involved in waste management operations.

By investing in the expertise of MasterMover , this facilities company has successfully optimised their waste management processes. With the TOW200 leading the way, they can now efficiently move heavy waste bins, saving time, improving safety, and ultimately elevating their overall operational efficiency.